The Portuguese writing system is based on the Latin alphabet. It is one of the most widely spoken languages, and the second most spoken of the romance languages. All Portuguese speakers are included under the general term Lusophones, and the total area inhabited by native Portuguese speakers is called Lusofonia. Both of these terms originate from the name of Lusitania that was a Roman province, in the territory of which Portugal is now located.
Portuguese is the official language not only in Portugal, but also in Angola, Brazil, Macau, Mozambique and several other countries.
There are two versions of Portuguese, which are European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. They differ on grammatical, phonetic, lexical and spelling language levels.
Portuguese is very close to Spanish, but the former is more archaic and conservative than the latter.
Foreign passports, certificates and documents are most frequently translated from Portuguese. Translations into Portuguese are less frequent, but Avesta Translation Agency in Yekaterinburg is ready to provide high-quality translations from Portuguese and into Portuguese.
Source language |
Target language |
Price in rubles |
From the language |
Into the language |
Portuguese |
Russian |
550 |
700 |
The calculation of the translation time and cost is approximate. Please contact the managers of Avesta Translation Agency for precise calculation by phone +7 (922) 202-83-73, or e-mail: